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Apologists at the New York Times

The pro-Amnesty movement is revving its engines in preparation for a radical May 1st national rally.  And the New York Times recently did its part to push the pro-Amnesty agenda.  The article from April 16, casts illegal immigrants as earnest, law-abiding residents, who by happenstance, find themselves in the Unites States against the law.  Even more brazen, the article names illegals who are filing federal taxes.  One illegal named in the story, openly admits that her social security number on her W-2 is stolen. 

First, let’s state the obvious.  If federal immigration enforcement officials do not prosecute those illegal immigrants named in an article, why should we have border enforcement at all?  If we believe in the rule of law, the authorities have a responsibility to investigate and arrest anyone who admits to a crime and is named in a public source.

If we are to stay a lawful democracy, we must enforce the Rule of Law.

Posted by Congressman Steve King (IA-05) (04-23-2007, 04:09 PM) filed under HRPC Member


Comment by: Anonymous
October 23, 2007 10:18 PM

Thanks for the blog! You have a lot of really helpful information here! Keep up the good work!

Best regards,


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